Search Results

Your search for "" yielded 128 results.

Springtime Is Test-Time: Helpful Tips For Parents & Students

Test time spurs anxiety for kids and parents alike, which is no surprise because testing has come to mean so much more than an assessment of progress. Tests and results set benchmarks that seem out of...

Have Big Plans For Summer? We Do!

All children need enriching summers that help them keep up academically, try new things, and return to school in fall ready to learn. High quality summer learning programs provide these elements and m...

Beyond The Supply List - How To Prepare Your Child For A Successful Back-To-School-Experience

Pencils, paper, backpack, markers – what more do children need for a successful start to school? Hint: it can’t be purchased at the store. More than anything, children need predictability, routines, a...

Guest Reader Partnership - Supporting Learning & Literacy

Few things are as magical as reading a book aloud to children – for both the reader and the children. In 2016, Education Success Foundation began our Guest Reader program to bring community members – ...

Let's Get You To School - Supporting Attendance For Students

"It's time for school" is a phrase that- as a child- made some of us hop out of bed and others hide under the covers. Today, school attendance and "absenteeism" have gained new significance as they ar...

Education Success - Foundation Newsletter Fall 2018

Education Success Foundation is dedicated to helping vulnerable students achieve academic success, graduate from high school, and become engaged citizens. We promote, develop, and support high quality...