
A Whole-Child Approach

Our high quality programs for elementary students promote academic achievement and social-emotional development, and help schools and communities address strategic priorities including: attendance, literacy, violence-prevention and safety, health and wellness, and more. Wraparound supports for young students and their families are layered based on need through our Navigation Approach.


Afterschool Learning

Our academically-based afterschool programs (grades 1-6) use learning as a platform for social-emotional development and personal growth. STEM-based inquiry, hands-on learning, enrichment clubs, language and literacy support, and targeted tutoring combine in a holistic, safe, supportive setting.

Programs are staffed by certified teachers, occur 2-3 days per week, provide 84-175 additional learning hours, and target and measure academic and social-emotional skill development.

Current Sites Offering Afterschool Learning:

  • Enrico Fermi School #17
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne School #25
  • John James Audubon School #33
  • Dr. Louis A. Cerulli School #34
  • World of Inquiry School #58
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Summer Learning

Our Summer Learning programs provide more than 450 students with holistic, full-day programming infused with inquiry, language and literacy support, and STEM. Programs create enriching experiences, community connections, and prevent achievement gaps caused by summer learning loss. Summer learners are engaged with exciting themes which provide channels and contexts for students to delve deep into learning.

Four or six-week programs for up to 120 students are staffed by certified teachers, include transportation and field trips, and target and measure academic and social-emotional skill development.

Current Programs & Partnerships:

  • Allendale Columbia SummerLEAP Program
  • EnCompass 3D (students in foster care)
  • EnCompass Grows (St. John Fisher University Campus)
  • EnCompass RCSD Summer Learning (Rochester City School District)
  • EnCompass Quad A (Nazareth University Campus)
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School Day Intervention

Academic Coaches, all certified teachers and reading specialists, partner with classroom teachers to provide small-group reading intervention services.

Current Programs

  • Enrico Fermi School #17
  • John James Audubon School #33
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Family Navigation

For Families

Parents lead the way...

Family Navigation is a free and voluntary program designed to support you in order for you to support your child’s success at home, in the community, and at school. Typically, you would work one-on-one with a navigator for about 12 months. Together, you would connect to community resources to address challenges that may be getting in the way of your ability to focus on supporting your child’s academic success. Family Navigation offers a variety of whole family events. These activities can help you get to know other families in your child’s school community. These events might include cooking classes, zoo outings, ice skating get-togethers, RMCS trips, Red Wings games, drive-in movie nights and even overnight camping trips.

If you are interested in learning more please complete this form: Family Navigation Interest Form

Eligible families live in the City of Rochester.

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Interested In A Partnership?

We welcome opportunities to partner with schools and organizations meet their strategic priorities. To discuss partnership for academic or surround support services, please contact Cara Fitzgerald at 585-704-9081 or by email.